07 January, 2011

On 'vacation'

aka my internet is still not working properly in my new flat, bludging off landlord's unreliable WiFi, did you know I watch streaming episodes rather than SUPPORTING THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS by buying all the DVDs? DON'T TELL A SOUL. I was joking anyway.
here is a nice vacation photo of Armus:
Courtesy of the very excellent Hatecation (it seems like there should be some simple way to link a Tumblr picture into a Blogger post, but I'm not seeing it).
For God's sake watch out kid. Although you do have a puckish quality I can't help warming to.

Part of me can't wait to get to this episode even though I know how stupid it is. I think I just really like sand, and honestly, I remember Armus scared the poop out of me as a kid (I think I'd had some nightmares about black shiny goo in early childhood; do you ever remember stuff from your childhood nightmares that you just can't understand why it was so scary? Tractor tyres. The number '100' in gold figures at the top of a silver column. Terrifying), so I'm eager to revisit it and totally not be scared. Above/at left is evidence that Jonathan Frakes is a hell of a good sport, and at this stage of his career had some very sharp buttockular definition.

But anyway, if I ever get things working right here, soon we'll be back with 'Dax.'

ETA: As long as I'm posting ridiculous vacationy shit, here, have a this:

(hope that embeds properly). My main thoughts about this: Cruise Director is a perfect job for Deanna. Also, I have headcanoned those uniforms with the shorts as Starfleet Tropical Kit; they make at least as much sense as those desert Jedi robes the Sisko and Ezri wore to go on his baseball vision quest.

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